Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Final Miracle by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan (PART 1)



Last Friday, aku dan suami pergi ke sebuah talk, refer tajuk post ni. Ada yang pergi talk ni sebab memang kenal Ustadh NAK, dengar his talk on youtube. Tapi aku tak. Aku tau nama Ustadh, tapi tak pernah dengar lecture kat mana2. So sebelum pegi I made research on his background.

Nouman is the founder and CEO of Bayyinah, as well as the lead instructor for a number of Bayyinah courses including the ‘Fundamentals of Classical Arabic’ and ‘Divine Speech’. His first exposure to Arabic study was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia where he completed his elementary education. He continued Arabic grammar study in Pakistan, where he received a scholarship for ranking among the top 10 scores in the national Arabic studies board examinations in 1993. But his serious training in Arabic began in the United States in 1999 under Dr. Abdus-Samie, founder and formal principal of Quran College, Faisalabad, Pakistan who happened to be touring the US for intensive lectures in Tafsir and Arabic studies. Under Dr. Abdus-Samie, Nouman developed a keen methodical understanding of Arabic grammar. He further benefited from Dr. Abdus-Samie by internalizing his unique teaching methods and later translating his work into English for the benefit of his own students. Nouman served as professor of Arabic at Nassau Community College until ’06 and has taught Modern Standard and Classical Arabic at various venues for nearly 7 years with over 10,000 students nationwide. Currently he has dedicated himself to a seven-year-long project, of conducting a linguistic & literary focus Qur’anic Tafseer series in English. Recordings of sessions conducted so far can be downloaded at www.bayyinah.com/dream.


Sebenarnya tiket dah habis, it's Free Admission, tapi Alhamdulillah, memang Allah nak aku dan suami pergi, Kak Amy inform ada tiket extra. Jazakillah khair akak!

Alhamdulillah jugak, we get the best seat, front row untuk perempuan, betul2 depan straight mengadap stage. :D

 So I'll share some stories, some of my notes and what I learned from Ustadh, insya Allah.

1. Miracle means something that touches the heart. Miracle makes the heart feels tranquil and at ease. Miracle always touch the heart not the mind.

2. Miracle means "it's so powerful", "it can overpowered its opponents. Masa ni Ustadh nak explain yang miracle ni doesn't mean something yang magic je. Dia sampai buat orang tu terduduk and daya nak bangun. Lebih kurang macam tu la. So we have the ultimate miracle tapi tak pernah betul2 faham apa messages in the miracle.

3. So Ustadh NAK sangat arif  dalam bahasa Arab dan tafsir. Ustadh cerita, ada satu masa ni dia dengar lecture from one of the scholar tentang tafsir Quran, the lecture is in Arabic, masa tu UStadh tak berapa fasih lg, hanya faham about 30% je, tapi masya Allah, apa yang UStadh dapat dari lecture tu sangat mind-blowing. Benda yang dia tak pernah tahu ada dalam quran. So he decided to learn about it seriously and deliver back to community dalam satu silibus yang he called "Divine Speech"

4. He's been delivering lecture on "Divine Speech" kepada hampir 60,000 students world-wide. At one time, ada seorang ibu ni, datang kat Ustadh and cakap anak dia 17 tahun, taknak attend talk Ustadh tapi boleh pulak attend tournament, siap beli tiket front row lagi. Tapi the mother paksa2 anak dia pergi, and anak dia attend jugak la kan. He attended the "Divine Speech" lecture. And bila dah habis tu anak muda ni datang jumpa UStadh and cakap,

This is the first time I believe that the Quran is not from human being.
5. Ibu tu seorang Muslim, dan anak beliau berumur 17tahun juga seorang Muslim. Ustadh betul2 nak semua orang learn the Miracle sebab Ustadh tau ramai lagi yang macam dorang. We're Muslim tapi tau surface je about the Quran because when you know the Arabic language, your whole understanding of the meaning of the Quran is changed.

6. Ustadh start bagi contoh; spikes of corn dalam Arab "Sumbula" So in Arabic, ada singular, plural, super plural.

Singular:       Sumbula
Plural:           Sumbulaat
Super Plural: Sanabil

Dalam surah Yusuf ayat 43;

Ayat kat atas masa peristiwa Raja zaman Nabi Yusuf a.s mimpi kemarau. Ayat kat sini guna perkataan "sab'a sumbulaat" which means SEVEN spikes of grain. Jom tengok contoh kedua yang Ustadh bagi,

Surah al Baqarah ayat 261;

Dalam ayat ni, Allah tengah cerita tentang kelebihan infakkan harta ke jalan Allah. Allah sebut SEVEN spikes of grain tapi Allah guna perkataan "sab'a sanabil" . Bilangan yang sama, tujuh tapi perkataan berbeza. Kalau surah Yusuf tadi guna plural, surah al Baqarah pulak super plural. And why so?

Sebab Allah nak tunjuk bilangan tujuh masa kemarau tu sikit, dan bilangan tujuh dalam barakah menginfakkan ke jalan Allah tu pulak sangat BANYAK. Tu yang guna super plural. Kalau baca quran translation sama je, 'tujuh', 'seven'. Bila kita faham bahasa Arab and what message Allah really wants us to get and understand, memang ubah all the understanding. Masya Allah. Sebab tu tak ada makhluk yang boleh buat ayat macam ayat2 dalam Quran. The Quran is from Allah, is a miracle, sangat powerful.

Ustadh ada bagi contoh; kalau khatib yang bagi khutbah based on script dengan khatib yang bagi khutbah tanpa skrip, kita boleh dengar perbezaan. Kalau skrip bahasa dia formal, nada dia lain. Macamtu jugak dengan tanpa skrip. So bila Rasulullah delivered the wahyu kepada para sahabat, dorang dapat rasa that apa yang Rasulullah sebut is not from him. It's from Allah. They believed. Ustadh NAK mention lagi the differences of level iman kita dengan para sahabat. Dia kata cuba bayangkan perasaan pengikut Nabi Musa a.s yang sama2 lalu laut terbelah tu. Yang ada di tempat kejadian. Betul2 manyaksikan. Kiri kanan the ocean, tengah2 ada jalan. Allahuakbar. Dengan betul2 belajar and faham messages yang Allah nak kita betul2 dapat insya Allah boleh sampai stages tu. Note to myself. Baca quran hari2, belajar dan fahamkan.

On the other note, don't forget al-Kauthar's next course! Boleh google untuk register.

Next points yang Ustadh NAK shared were about Surah al Jumuah, Ayatul Kursi, Surah al Insan.Next entry insya Allah.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

BeingME; Feed the hero in you with Iman



Thought I shared what I got in the BeingME Conference.

It is my first time to Ladies’ Only conference. Alhamdulillah. Disebabkan itu, Pali tak dapat join so aku tumpang kak Nuenue and Kak Su pegi PICC.

Just sharing my notes, sikit2 from each speakers. May it beneficial for me and everyone, let’s try to apply the knowledge bit by bit, do continuously follow up your iman and amal, any unclear statement boleh lah email nrahmah@gmail.com

First speaker, Profesor Muhaya. Frankly speaking it was my first time listening to her. Even kat youtube pn tak pernah pun bukak. TV jangan la cakap, aku memang tak tengok tv since sekoah menengah.

1. Gratitude Journal. Prof tanya sape yang ada buat GJ ni? Bersyukur ni something yang kita sometimes tak fully aware. Jarang bersyukur akan buat kita sentiasa rasa tak berkecukupan. Nauzubillah. So by having a personal GJ, insya Allah our gratitude and thankfulness will increase and bring us closer to Him.

2. Physically tired, Spiritually enlightened. This one memang terasa. Whole day of working kita penat, satisfied with our work, tapi spiritually nothing. Meniatkan kerja sebagai ibadah, meniatkan kerja kerana Allah, meniatkan kerja untuk Islam.


Sheikh Yusha Evans

1. Al Quran - to reach the destination. Al Quran macam GPS. Kalau takde GPS, we’ll get lost, taktau the exact direction to our destination. And kalau ade GPS, tapi bila GPS kate ‘turn right’ yet kte turn left pulak, pun boleh sesat jugak. So bile Allah dah provide kat kte AlQuran tu, read it, understand, hayati as it’s our perfect life manual, life guidelines.

2. Sh. Yusha ni seorang revert. Mase tu die jumpa Imam kat Masjid and asking for proof yang Islam ni sesuatu yg benar. So Imam tu tunjukkan Quran and nak explain kat Sh. Yusha. Tapi Sh. Yusha kate,

"Let the book speak for itself, you dont have to sell it to me"

And mase Sh. Yusha baca Al-Fatihah for the first time, die memang rase surah tu adalah satu doa yang sangat genuine dari seorang hamba kepada al-Khaliq.

The next surah yang Sh Yusha baca is al-Baqarah and ayat first yang menyentap hati dia “this book has no doubt”

Dari situ Sh Yusha bawak balik Quran read it and Alhamdulillah sekarang he is a Muslim and spreading it.

3. Sh Yusha cerita jugak kisah masa Nabi Adam diciptakan. Syaitan taknak sujud kepada Adam a.s and mintak kat Allah untuk sesatkan seluruh umat manusia and Allah bagi permission tapi Allah kata,

"You might trick them but not my chosen slave"

T_T are we that chosen slave yet..?

4. Sangat menyentuh hati masa Sh Yusha cerita, masa Nabi Adam a.s terhasut dengan Syaitan suruh makan buah larangan, Nabi Adam a.s tanya Allah,

"O Allah, u do know that I’m going to eat that fruit, You have to know because You know everything. Will You forgive my sin?"

Dan ketahuilah, every sons of Adam will sins. We will harm our perfect soul. But, know this, Allah loves to forgive. Repent, bertaubat. Allah suka memaafkan.

Kalau Allah bukan yang memaafkan, kita akan jadi LOSER yang teramat atas muka bumi ni. Ask for Allah’s forgiveness.


Sheikh Daood Butt

One of my favourite sheikh. Been attending his classes and courses. Macam weekend ni jugak insya Allah. Sape pergi Drops of Guidance? :)

1. There are things that will bring you closer to the remembrance of Allah and could also be the distractions; Wealth, Children, Desire. Kita sendri yang allow these three things to be a distraction or not. Always hold on to the guidelines to ensure this.

2. We can live in a way we decide, we choose, as long as we’re living in the pleasure to Allah.

3. If you’re doing something for fame, eventhough it benefits other people, you’re destroying yourself.

3. Often it’s people who is behind the scenes, behind every success stories yang contribute paling banyak.

4. Remembrance of Allah. Always, when it’s time for solah, we try to finish everything, semua kerja dulu, baru pegi solat, when hakikatnya it’s Allah yang izinkan, Allah yang berkuasa ke atas semua kerja tu and Allah yang izinkan rezeki tu datang dari kerja tu, yet kita selalu hold Allah’s calling. Selalu istighfar, to bring us to the remembrance of Allah. Latih diri untuk solat awal waktu and tinggalkan kejap semua urusan.


Sister Tasneem

1. Every verse in the Quran is like dates. The more you taste, the sweeter it gets. :) Baca Quran banyak kali, everytime kita baca, we’ll always get penghayatan and penerimaan yang berbeza sesuai dengan situasi kita. :)

2. “Be not like those who forgot Allah, then He will make they forgot they ownselves” Masa dengar the first part of the sentence, I thought the second part was “then He will forget them” tapi rupanya lagi dasyat, Allah akan buat kita lupa diri kita sendiri.. nauzubillah.. Janganlah kita tergolong dalam golongan ini.

3. We will not understand our responsibility in this world if first, we didn’t recognize Allah swt.

4. Sis. Tasneem ni suka buat cake. Dia share kalau dia buat cake, it’s her own recipe, die tau all ingredients, all the measurement, the quality, the taste. Dia master of the recipe. Tapi bila orang lain ambik recipe tu and modified, it’s not Sis Tasneem’s recipe anymore. Sama jugak macam Allah’s creation, and his BEST creation is us, the human. He knows everything that is good for us. He knows. He knows what we should do, what we shouldn’t do etc. How can we say “it should be like this, it should be like that?” We are Allah’s recipe, our Creator’s. If we change the recipe, whose recipe are we?

4. As a mother did not want to throw her own children intio fire, that’s how Allah didn’t want to put us into the fire of Jahannam. T_T

5. Self-expression will make you become closer to Allah. Look into yourself. Really look into yourself. If you look further, you will come into the remembrance of Allah.

6. Another analogy from Sis Tasneem that I like. About thumb and moon. When you compare your thumb and the moon, you’ll know that the moon is bigger. But if you put your thumb in front of your eyes, the thumb will blocked your sight of the moon. The thumb is like the dunya. The world. Everything seems BIG, everything seems NOW. That you have to always do everything NOW, when you actually forget to look further. You forget Him.

7. God doesn’t made a mistake when He made you. See yourself as God sees you.

8. Be beneficial to the word. We’re moving forward in some things, and moving backward in another things. What we have ponder upon.

9. Everything for the sake of Allah, will not be overlooked, will not belittle.



Sh Yusha Evans (second session)

1. Kisah ibu kepada Maryam. She prayed for a son to serve the deen, but she got a daughter and that’s Maryam. And Allah gave the most righteous man from Maryam’s womb that is Isa a.s

2. Thank Allah for your suffering He sends you, it’s indeed a purification.

3. Why is this place is not the best place to be, because of you?

4. You’re the frontline of the Ummah.

5. Hadith Ghuraba’. They’re the people who correct the mankind when they’re corrupted. They are actively involve in changing the society.

6. Sh. Yusha asked, “Can you imagine if Khadija r.a or A’isya r.a act like you’re acting now??” *dushdush*

7. Remember this once a day for the rest of your life. The first thing Allah made was a pen. And He asked the pen to write all, everything that is going to happen int his world; the Lauhul Mahfuz. Remember, Allah wrote your name to be gifted with ISLAM. Remember this. This really touched my heart…

And Sh Yusha continued,

"What have you done to deserve this precious gift of Islam?"





It’s the second day of Ramadhan everyone! Alhamdulillah, may we reach the end of the month full of Barakah, and may we end it with the NEW us, for another 11month protection of Iman and Amal. Insya Allah, ameen.

So nak update ape? Pasal Drops of Guidance.

Tu nama course yang ktorang (husband and I) pegi last weekend. University level weekend course. 2hari. Sesuai la untuk yang bekerja/students weekdays, weekend nak belajar tentang agama sendiri pulak.

Ktorang memang attend course alKauthar ni, penah attend pasal marriage, fiqh etc. Drops of Guidance ni course about 40 Hadith Imam Nawawi. Tapi aku tak tulis ape yang aku belajar sangat kot. Kene ulangkaji lagi. 2hari punya course, sikit2 je boleh tulis. Just nak share apa yang aku rasa.

Kalau yang dah baca post aku yang ini, aku ada tertinggal satu benda yang aku terkesan sangat. Sheikh Daood dalam one of the workshop, Sheikh ade share satu cerita tentang seorang pemuda bernama Said ibn Musayyib. Said lahir di zaman Khaifah Umar al-Khattab. Jadi dapat berjumpa majority of the Prophet’s Companions.

Yang terkesan di hati aku, masa Sh. Daood cerita Said ni kahwin dengan anak Abu Hurairah r.a. Dan dari perkahwinan tu lahir seorang anak perempuan yang kemudiannya dikahwinkan dengan seorang pemuda bernama Abdullah.

Salasilah macamni, (yang ada baca twitter aku, bukan isteri Said, tapi anak Said, I got it wrong actually huhu)

Abu Hurairah -> dapat anak perempuan -> dikahwinkan dengan Said ibn Musayyib -> dapat anak perempuan -> dikahwinkan dengan Abdullah.

So apa yang menarik ialah peristiwa anak Said dan suami beliau Abdullah;

His wife asked him, “Where are you going?” He said, “To the study circle of your father Sa’id ibn al-Musayyib, so that I may learn.” She said, “Sit here with me, I can teach you everything that my father taught in his class.”

Woahh masa ni apa yang aku rasa Power gila perempuan ni! Terus muhasabah diri sendiri how much did I know about my own religion? Apa yang aku belajar, apa yang aku tau, ape yang aku boleh ajar kepada orang lain? Absolute respect to Said’s daughter. Dari situ berazam untuk memenuhi dada dengan ilmu. Bukan just macam sekarang, tau kisah nabi2, tau solat, tau baca quran, tutup aurat, tau little bit here and there. Dah 24tahun dah huu.. Imam Nawawi start belajar umur 19tahun, attend 12 lessons a day, and meninggal masa umur 45tahun. Tak lama pun hayat Imam Nawawi, tapi he had spread the knowledge he learnt sampai sekarang.

So back to the course, Drops of Guidance, walaupun tentang Hadith 40 Imam Nawawi, tapi Sheikh started with the topic of “Seeking Sacred Knowedge”. Kongsi antara beberapa points yang Sheikh mention.

1. You’re already doing good out there, but you want to dedicate your life to learn Islam, your own religion. Maksudnya di samping kita belajar ilmu2 lain, kita kerja ke, jangan lupa ilmu agama. Islam kan cara hidup. Belajar agama kita lebih complete hidup insya Allah.

2. Sheikh mention satu hadith “…The prophets leave no money, as a bequest, rather they leave knowledge…” If it’s money could we benefit from it, could we inherit from the prophets? Sangat membuatkan aku muhasabah. Penting sangat knowledge kan. Dah ada anak nanti mcamane? Kita boleh jadi guru kepada anak2?

3. The sacred knowledge cannot be gained from books or youtube alone. Ni lagi satu point yang sangat aku suka. Perasaan nak belajar nak tau semua ni dari dulu lagi, bila baca buku, tengok youtube rasa tak fulfilled. Sebab tu knowledge pun terhad kepada surface je. Bila belajar dengan sheikh, guru, you get to know beyond what you read, and barakahnya lebih berada dalam suasana majlis ilmu dan ada relationship dengan guru kita tu. Sh Daood kata bila ada guru, and kita bergaul, berbual dengan mereka, lebih banyak benda boleh belajar. So, bukan dari youtube semata ye.

4. Sheikh mention satu hadith. “…The angels lower their wings for the student of sacred knowledge, pleased with what he’s doing…” Sebenarnya bila kita dalam majlis ilmu (we learn something + iman tertingkat) kita dalam keadaan protected, safe-guarded, protection of heart, and cleaning inside out. Best kan? :’)

5. Manners of studying

6. Fundamentals of seeking knowledge

7. Sheikh mention lain orang lain minat bidang and cabang agama. Aku memang minat part tafseer. Kalau usrah suka sangat bila part tadabbur quran, tau apa cerita sebalik surah and how to relate secara menyeluruh.

Jadi dengan excitednya nak ajak anda yang sedang membaca ni untuk attend next course. :)

Sekian! :D Semoga ada benefits sharing ni, dari seorang yang hunger for sacred knowledge.




Ada seseorang cakap kat aku, yang “our (aku dan dia) relationship feels better than before. Rasa best! Rasa kena sayang hehehe” Dan statement sahabat ni sangat buatkan hati aku berbunga2.

For quite some times, I’ve been reflecting back myself. Banyak benda tak kena. What is wrong? Every problems pasti ada punca nya dari diri aku sendiri.

Muhasabah dan muhasabah. And taking small steps. Small small steps. Yang boleh bagi impact besar kalau Allah izin. Alhamdulillah. Seronok. :’)

Teringat satu sesi usrah haritu, Sarah cerita tentang seorang Sahabat Nabi, (yang aku dah lupa namanya huhu) sape tau boleh le komen kat bawah ni heheh.

So Sahabat ni dia rasa, dia lah Sahabat yang PALING Rasulullah s.a.w sayang disebabkan cara Rasulullah ambik berat, cara cakap, etc etc.

Dengan yakinnya Sahabat ni datang kat Rasulullah s.a.w and tanya,

"Wahai Rasulullah, siapakah sahabat yang paling engkau sayang?"

Rasulullah s.a.w jawab, ” Saidina Abu Bakr r.a. Kalau Abu Bakar seorang perempuan aku akan berkahwin dengan Abu Bakar” Sangat sangat sangat sayang Baginda kat Saidina Abu Bakar.

So Sahabat ni teruskan lagi pertanyaan, “Yang kedua kau sayang?”

Rasulullah s.a.w jawab ” Saidina Umar r.a.”

Sahabat yang bertanya ni dah gelisah dah bile Rasulullah nak sebut nama die ni kan, padahal dah rasa dah Rasulullah sayang sangat kat die.

Tanya lagi orang ketiga and keempat, Rasulullah s.a.w jawab Saidina Umar r.a dan Saidina Ali r.a.

Dah sampai empat orang Rasulullah jawab, Sahabat ni tak sanggup lagi nak tanya, sebab dia takut nama dia paling last Rasulullah sebut.

Cantiknya akhlak Rasulullah, betapa penyayangnya Rasulullah s.a.w kepada orang sekeliling, sampai orang yang Rasulullah s.a.w tak sebut pun rasa kasih sayang yang tak terhingga tu sampai rasa dia lah yang Rasulullah paling sayang. Sweet kan?

Let’s spread love!

Sunday, September 1, 2013



Wan admitted at DEMC, jangkitan kencing. Deposit RM2000, terkejut aku!

Tapi sesuai dengan service, bilik wan macam hotel. :)

Now Wan dah stable, esok boleh balik yay!